Posted by Kate Phizackerley on 13:40

There comes a point when none of the standard Blogger templates is good enough. The next step is to move upwards to some of the excellent free templates designed by Amanda Fazani of BloggerBuster fame.

I've now outgrown those: I know exactly what I want and I'm going to have to produce it myself by customising my Blogger template. I sort of got forced into it anyway. I move my main blogs onto a third party template where I liked the design but then discovered all the bugs. So I ended up having to amend the template to fix things. I've got most of them ironed out, and I'll use that template on this blog to start with, but I've embarked on building a template from scratch. The first one(s) won't actually be used for this blog as I've another project in mind first.

So I've started this blog to share my journey on how I've customised Blogger to build the templates I want. It won't be a complete set of articles covering everything. At this time I am not blogging for money so I'm not looking at how to add Adsense to blogs for instance. Instead, it's a set of the tips I have found useful.

Kate Phizackerley

